13 Tips on How to Recover After a Restless Night

recover from a restless night

This post covers several helpful tips on how to recover after a restless night. We all have those nights when worries keep us from a good night’s sleep. Or sometimes we just can’t seem to fall asleep and stay asleep. After a long night of tossing and turning, we are bound to feel the effects the next day. Here are some things you can do to help your body recover and get your energy back.

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10 Natural Treatments for Hair Loss Prevention


Today, I will be sharing some natural treatments for hair loss prevention. Each strand of hair has a typical lifespan of around two to five years. Hair follicles go through cycles of active growth, transition, as well as rest. There are certain lifestyle factors and circumstances that lead to more hair entering the rest cycle, which results in hair falling out.

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12 Surprising Natural Moisturisers – Found In Your Kitchen

Our skin is one of the most important organs in our body, not to mention supple and flexible; and keeping it healthy and moisturised should be a priority. But often it could cost you a pretty penny to buy natural skincare products or high end skincare products which may end up not being too good for your skin afterall. Here are 12 surprising natural moisturisers found in your kitchen that you probably didn’t know about.

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