What Essential Oils Promote Sleep – Our Top 7 Choices

what essential oils promote sleep

There is nothing more frustrating than lying in bed, waiting to fall asleep, but instead, you hear the clock ring every hour. What essential oils promote sleep? Most of you are familiar with lavender’s soothing characteristics and the benefits of chamomile tea to induce relaxation and, hopefully, sleep.

Lavender has been used for centuries in aromatherapy and is viewed as a highly effective sleeping aid because of a sedative component called linalool. It helps by soothing the nervous system, making you relax before bedtime.

Many people steer clear from prescribed or over-the-counter medications to help them fall asleep and prefer to use natural products and remedies to help them fall asleep. Here are our top seven recommendations for essential oils that promote better sleep.

What Essential Oils Promote Sleep?

what essential oils promote sleep


Not only does ylang-ylang smell wonderful with its spicy, sweet, and floral aromas, but it’s also been used frequently during meditation and yoga practices to promote relaxation. It helps to slow your breathing and brings forth a sense of calm, which most of us can benefit from after a frustrating and tense day at the office.


Frankincense is one of my favourite essential oils. Not only is it an excellent oil to aid various skin-related ailments, but it has been used for hundreds of years during prayer and meditation rituals. So, if you’re feeling stressed, restless, or simply struggle to dose off, the soothing and calming aroma of frankincense can help to settle your thoughts and prepare your body for a peaceful night’s rest.


Neroli is frequently referred to as the rescue remedy because it promotes feelings of calmness and gives you a much-needed spiritual lift if you’re feeling agitated. The harmonious blend of floral and citrus notes induces a sense of clarity and tranquillity before settling down for sleep.


Chamomile is an excellent, gentle essential oil with an herbaceous, sweet smell that is suitable for kids over the age of two. A cup of chamomile tea can do wonders for inducing sleep when you’re struggling to fall asleep.

Related: Essential Oils For Anxiety – Do They Work?


Mandarin is not as potent-smelling as orange essential oil but has a gentler and soft scent. It can also be used for children over the age of two years that need soothing. If your brain is not switching off and sleep is evading you, the sweet, feel-good aroma of mandarin might be just what you need to drift off to dreamland. You can add this oil to a diffuser to fill the room with its soothing scent.


This essential oil doesn’t need an introduction because most are familiar with its relaxing and soothing properties, which help induce sleep. It is well-known for supporting the heart, easing the mind, and relaxing the body. It has been used since ancient times as an aromatherapeutic aid.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is another great oil to help improve sleep and one or two drops under your pillow can help open your chest and ease breathing while asleep. Peppermint oil is frequently used for bringing down stress levels and calming anxiety, especially for those who struggle to fall asleep because their brains not switching off due to work-related or other stress factors.

How To Utilize Essential Oils for Sleep

There are a few effective uses for essential oils before bedtime.

  • Electric diffuser – add a few drops of essential oil to an electric diffuser. Since many varieties has a timer, it will turn off automatically.
  • Warming in your hands – it can be as simple as placing a few drops of essential and carrier oil in your hands and warming them up before taking a few deep breaths – inhaling the beautiful aromas.
  • Under your pillow – you can add a drop or two of essential oil under your pillow. You can also use a washcloth or any other piece of cloth if you don’t want to put the oil directly onto your pillowcase or bed linen.
  • Aromatherapy in the shower – you can add one or two drops of your favourite sleep-inducing essential oil to your washcloth and hand it in the shower. When the steam from a hot shower rises, it will carry the beautiful smell with it – enjoying your very own spa-like experience.
  • In your foot bath – last but not least, you can add warm water and a drop of two essential oil to your foot bath. Soak your feet in the bath while inhaling the soothing smell in the air.

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ve enjoyed my post about what essential oils promote sleep, and that you will put some of them to the test to see if they help you enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

  • Important safety notice: please remember that essential oils are highly potent and must be used correctly. Always buy 100% pure essential oils from reputable suppliers and make sure you read the instructions carefully, especially when used for children. Never use essential oils directly on the skin, but mix it with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil first when applying it topically.

Sending you much love, light, and aromatherapeutic vibes!


5 Guidelines To Overcome Stress and Overwhelm

overcome stress and overwhelm

Many of us can benefit from these guidelines on how to overcome stress and overwhelm. With the fast-paced and stressful world we live in, it’s inevitable to sometimes feel overwhelmed or heading for a meltdown.

With work-related stress, personal responsibilities, financial woes, parenting issues, and home-related pressure, managing stress efficiently is the solution to enjoying overall well-being. Here are five tips on managing your stress levels and restabilizing your emotional and mental balance.

5 Guidelines To Overcome Stress and Overwhelm

overcome stress and overwhelm

1. Deep Breathing Techniques and Practicing Mindfulness

Being mindful essentially means being present in the moment and being aware of your feelings and thoughts without being judgemental. Deep breathing and mindfulness exercises can help lower stress levels by moving your focus away from harmful or overwhelming thoughts and shifting your attention to the present moment.

In combination with mindfulness, deep breathing exercises can help calm your mind and slow your heart rate. You can do this by closing your eyes, breathing in deeply through the nose, holding it for a few seconds, and slowly exhaling through the mouth. Repeat these exercises a few times until you feel your mind calming and your body relaxing.

2. Organizing and Prioritizing

When you’ve got a super long list of things to do, and it feels like you’re not getting anything done, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. The best way to deal with overwhelming feelings is to start organizing and prioritizing. Start making a to-do list, ranking the tasks in order of urgency or importance. Writing things down helps you focus on a specific task and gives you a clear direction about where to begin.

As you start ticking off things on your to-do list, you will start feeling better – like you’re finally getting things done and dusted, which in turn can ease feelings of stress. The Pomodoro technique or Eisenhower Matrix are excellent tools for boosting productivity.

Related: The Pomodoro Technique – a Simple Guide to Boosting Productivity

3. Disconnecting and Taking Frequent Breaks

Many of us are guilty of feeling pressured to remain constantly connected, especially with smartphones and emails with notifications that keep popping up, which can be distracting and add to your stress. That’s why it is vital to take frequent breaks and disconnect. This means stepping away from work entirely – walking outside, doing a few stretches, or practicing deep breathing and mindfulness techniques.

Taking breaks in between can help boost productivity and prevent mental burnout. The Pomodoro technique allows you to work for a set period and take short breaks in between. Schedule a specific time during the day when you have a “digital detox”, putting away all digital devices and having a break from any form of digital communication or social media for a few minutes.

4. Learning to Say No and Setting Boundaries

One of the primary reasons for feeling overwhelmed is the inability to say no and over-commitment. While it makes us feel good to help others whenever possible, it’s not ideal if it’s at the expense of our mental and emotional health.

Having too many commitments can lead to a meltdown or burnout. It’s okay to respectfully decline someone’s request if you don’t have the time or resources to commit. If you’re feeling guilty about saying no, remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup and that your mental well-being should be your number one priority.

5. Nurturing Healthy Habits

You know that your physical health directly influences your mental and emotional health. Feeling constantly stressed or overwhelmed can have a detrimental effect on your overall well-being.

Frequent exercising, getting enough sleep, and following a healthy eating plan are excellent tools for releasing endorphins and combatting anxiety naturally. Following a healthy diet and getting sufficient sleep will help boost your energy and feel refreshed to start the day and whatever challenges lie ahead.


I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading these simple guidelines on how to overcome stress and overwhelm and that you will incorporate them into your daily life to see if it helps you.

Sending you lots of love, light, and stress-free thoughts.


The Benefit of Embracing Consciousness and Awareness in Every Aspect of Life

consciousness and awareness

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9 Best Healthy and Satisfying Snacks

healthy and satisfying snacks


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The Pomodoro Technique – a Simple Guide to Boosting Productivity

the pomodoro technique

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Continue reading “The Pomodoro Technique – a Simple Guide to Boosting Productivity”

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reduce stress to live longer

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Continue reading “Reduce Stress To Live Longer: 9 Best Tips To Guide You”

Connecting with Nature: 3 Spiritual Benefits

connection with nature

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Continue reading “Connecting with Nature: 3 Spiritual Benefits”

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handmade christmas gift

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