5 Tell-tale Signs You Are Having a Stroke


In this post, I am sharing the 5 tell-tale signs you are having a stroke. Having a stroke is a medical emergency and  can have devastating effects on your health. A stroke happens when a blockage occurs in your brain or a blood vessel in your brain bursts. The main causes for strokes are clogged blood vessels and high blood pressure.

Without prompt treatment, brain cells begin to die, which could result in severe disability or death. If you suspect you or a loved one are having a stroke, you need to call emergency response services right away. Here are 5 major signs you are having a stroke.


5 Tell-tale Signs You Are Having a Stroke

If you or anyone close to you are showing any of the following signs, call emergency medical response immediately:

  1. Weakness or numbness in the body, particularly on the one side
  2. Extreme headaches with no apparent cause
  3. Vision changes on both or one eyes, or having trouble swallowing
  4. Having difficulty speaking, confusion or not understanding others
  5. Issues with dizziness, balance or walking

FAST – Identifying a Stroke And Getting Help

  • Face drooping – ask the person to smile. Do you notice the one side of his or her face drooping?
  • Arm numbness or weakness.
  • Speech issues – ask the person to repeat a basic sentence. Do they slur their words or having trouble with saying the words?
  • Time to call for medical assistance immediately – time is of the essence.

Time Equals Brain Damage

When someone else or yourself display signs you are having a stroke, every second makes a difference. When your brain is left without oxygen, it begins to die within minutes. Once brain tissue perished, the body parts that are regulated by that area will no longer work as it should.

This is why strokes top the list of long-term disability causes. A paramedic or emergency medical response representative can give you clot-busting medication that can curb brain damage, but this must be given to the patient as soon as possible – usually within three hours after the symptoms began.

Different Types of Strokes


This is the most commonplace kind of stroke – around nine out of ten cases fall into this grouping. Ischemic strokes happen when the blood supply to your brain is blocked due to a blood clot. It might begin in the brain or anywhere else in your body. Clogged arteries are the primary cause of ischemic strokes.

Transient ischemic attacks (TIA)

This type of stroke is often referred to as a mini stroke but is also considered an emergency medical condition. When it happens, blood flow is temporarily restricted in a section of your brain, leading to stroke-like symptoms.

Once the blood flow is restored, the symptoms will subside. It is difficult at the time to assess whether you are having a TIA or stroke. Therefore, you must call for emergency medical assistance immediately. Having a transient ischemic attack is a warning sign and should not be ignored.

Hemmorrhagic Stroke

These strokes occur once a deteriorated blood vessel in your brain bursts. This leads to bleeding inside your brain that is not easy to stop. The most commonplace cause for hemorrhagic strokes is hypertension (high blood pressure) which lead to weakened blood vessels in your brain.

Emergency Treatment For Strokes

Ischemic strokes – The aim is to restore the blood flow as quickly as possible. The best way to dissolve clots and reducing the chance of long-term damage is by administering tPA which is a clot-busting medication. However, it must be given to the patient within three hours after symptoms started.

Hemorrhagic strokes – These type of strokes are not as easily managed. Treatment typically entails trying to regulate high blood pressure, brain swelling, and bleeding.

What Are The Causes of Having a Stroke?

Ischemic strokes – the primary cause is clogged arteries due to plaque accumulation that is made up of cholesterol and fat, in the arteries. A blood clot might get stuck in a narrowed space and might result in an ischemic stroke.

Hemorrhagic strokes – high blood pressure that is unmanaged leads to bursting a deteriorated artery.

Risk Factors That Causes a Stroke

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Previous instances of having TIA or a stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • Sickle cell disease

Poor lifestyle choices like heavy drinking, not staying active, and smoking can elevate your risk of having a stroke.


I hope this post about the 5 tell-tale signs you are having a stroke has been helpful. There are ways that you can prevent a stroke from happening. You can make healthy lifestyle choices and you can go for regular check-ups to find out if you have any of the health conditions, like high blood pressure that must be controlled with medication to lower your risk of having a stroke.

Be mindful of the foods you eat, try to quit smoking and try to lower your alcohol consumption. It is never too late to start living more healthy.

Sending you lots of love, light, and stroke-free vibes.


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