8 Essential Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

spending time in nature

Today’s post explores the fantastic benefits of spending time in nature. Nowadays, with the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in, most people spend the majority of their time inside —glued to their screens and confined between four walls.

While technological advancements have brought so many undeniable conveniences, unfortunately, they have also distanced us from one of the most powerful sources of healing and rejuvenation: mother nature.

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Reduce Stress To Live Longer: 9 Best Tips To Guide You

reduce stress to live longer

How do we reduce stress to live longer? In the fast-paced environment we live in today, stress has become an unavoidable part of our lives. From office or job-related deadlines to family responsibilities and bills to pay, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the ongoing demands that are time-consuming and draining our energy levels.

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Saying Thanks To Yourself – 6 Reasons Why It is Essential

saying thanks to yourself

First and foremost, saying thanks to yourself promotes self-esteem and self-worth. The importance of saying thanks to yourself cannot be underestimated. In our busy daily lives filled with responsibilities, obligations, and the ongoing pursuit of meeting goals, it’s easy to forget sometimes to stop and acknowledge and appreciate ourselves for our efforts and achievements. However, practicing self-gratitude is vital for our well-being and personal growth.

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Different Ways Negative Emotions Affect You as a Person

how negative emotions affect you

Today’s post is something that most of us can benefit from – we look at the different ways negative emotions affect you as a person. Negative emotions relate to any feelings that cause you distress, sadness, or simply feeling beside yourself. These emotions can make you feel angry or resentful, envious or jealous, and can slowly eat away at you unless you acknowledge and address them.

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5 Useful Ways To Start The New Year With a Positive Mindset

start the new year with a positive mindset

In this article, I’ll be sharing five useful ways to start the new year with a positive mindset. Time is one of the most precious things in life and once we’ve lost it, we cannot get it back. That’s why we need to make the most of the time that we spent on earth. It’s not always easy to feel motivated or positive about life in general, especially in the fast-paced world we live in.

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Finding Your Why Before Setting Personal Goals

finding your why

Making new year’s resolutions or setting new goals is easy – the real challenge is sticking to them and achieving them. Finding your “why” – your reason behind making them is the key to long-term success. The mistake that most people make is not determining why they make them – the reason behind these resolutions and exactly why it is so important to them.

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6 Basic Human Needs That Influences The Life Choices We Make

This post covers six basic human needs that influence the life choices we make every day. The most essential aspect of being someone to look up to in life is to understand the factors that impact your behaviour. By learning and appreciating these basic needs will not only help you to better understand who you are, but also those around you.

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