10 Useful Tips on How to Breathe Easier While Having the Flu

In this post, I will be sharing some tips on how to breathe easier while having the flu. With Winter around the corner, flu and colds are bound to make their appearance. There is nothing worse than having to struggle to breathe with a blocked nose and congested chest while you are  having the flu.  There are a few things you can do to make it a little easier on yourself.

10 Useful Tips on How to Breathe Easier While Having The Flu

Use Aids That Helps You To Breathe Easier

Running a vaporizer or humidifier through the night can go a long way in helping you breathe better. These gadgets release moisture into the air that helps with loosening congestion and preventing your nose from drying out on the inside.

Besides breathing better, the moist air can also assist with easing a sore throat and soothing irritated tissues inside the nose. Just make sure you disinfect and clean your humidifier frequently to eradicate germs.

Take a Shower Shortly Before Bedtime

The steam that is released from taking a hot shower can help with making you breathe easier. Take a shower shortly before going to bed.

Other things that will also help is, placing a warm compress over your sinuses or steam with hot water and chest salve like Vicks Vaporub. You can also apply some on your chest area after taking a hot shower.

Decongestant Spray Can Help

When your nose is blocked and no air is circulating through, you can try a decongestant spray to open your nasal passages and get rid of some of the stuffiness. Just keep in mind  not to overdo it. Do not use it for longer than three consecutive days since it could make matters worse.

Pick Flu Meds Wisely

Certain cold meds treat various issues simultaneously, such as cough, fever, congestion, aches and runny nose. Always check the product label for the ingredients and choose medication that matches your symptoms closely.

Antihistamines can lead to drowsiness, while decongestants can keep you awake. Avoid giving cold medicine to children that are under four years of age.

Nasal Strips

For some people, using these sticky strips helps to get rid of congestion while sleeping. Place one across the bridge of your nose to help open up and stretch your nasal passages. These strips will not break up mucus, but it can promote airflow.

Soothing Your Sore Throat

Usually when you have the flu, the nasal drip causes a sore throat. For fast relief, gargle with a mixture of warm salt water shortly before bedtime. You can also look for over the counter meds like lozenges, pain relievers, and throat spray. I find that warm tea with honey, ginger,  and lemon also brings relief. 

However, if you have a severe sore throat for more than 48 hours, let your doctor know, particularly if you do not have standard cold symptoms like sneezing, congestion, etc. You could have a strep infection.

Elevate Your Head

Some people think that propping up your head on a few pillows can help to drain your sinuses more easily. However, according to doctors this might not be the case since your neck is bent in a way that makes it harder to breathe, plus you can end up with a painful stiff neck.

Elevate the headboard of your bed rather. You can place a few books underneath the legs and make sure they are secured. This will create a more natural and gentler incline.

Easing Your Cough With Chest Salve

To soothe some of the coughing and to help you breathe easier, you can rub some chest salve like Vicks Vaporub on your chest area before going to bed. Avoid getting it in your mouth or rubbing on the inside of your nose. Also, never use it for kids under two years of age.

Use a Saline Rinse

Using a saline rinse can be done repetitively to help loosen mucus. You can buy saline solution over the counter, or you can make your own by mixing ¼ teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of warm distilled water and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. Pour the solution into a spray bottle that fits into your nose. You can also use a saline solution with a Neti pot to help flush your sinuses.

Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Finding it hard to breathe and struggling with a cold or flu might make it hard for you to stick to a set bedtime. However, it is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same times as normal.

Sticking to a bedtime schedule can help with fighting off the next cold. Studies reveal that people who are not getting enough sleep are more prone to developing a cold compared to those who get eight hours of sleep, or more.


I hope these ten tips on how to breathe easier while having the flu have been helpful and that you will give all or some of them a try the next time a nasty cold or flu knocks at your door.

Sending you loads of light, love, and healing vibrations.


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